Thursday, December 11, 2008

Information Layout

As we delve into the different RGs and Series that contain motion pictures in the NARA, I will try to provide you with the following information...

- The official RG title followed by its corresponding RG number.
- The content date of the films (representing the time period of the film’s subject and not necessarily the dates they were created).
- The approximate number of reels of film within the RG.
- The official Series Title and the number of film titles within the series.
- Representative examples (arranged chronologically) of individual film titles within the Series, along with a short description and the year of release. Please note that the originating agency, the contracted production company, or the NARA staff, created these titles. The actual number of listed titles varies, but generally ten percent (up to a maximum of ten titles per series) are listed. The accompanying film descriptions are mostly summary in nature, sometimes a bit cryptic, and were derived from one or more sources. Occasionally, you’ll see the notation NFDA and n.d. These are abbreviations for “No Further Data Available” and “no date,” and are used whenever a description or production date couldn’t be determined.

'Till next time.

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