Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Another Example

Here's example of a military RG...

Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, RG 330
1918-1985, 5556 reels
This RG is divided into eight moving image series, of which four contain film titles.

1. Motion Picture Films and Video Recordings on Four Decades of U.S. Military Activities Around the World , ca. 1950-1990, [330-DVIC] (561934); 461 titles. This series consists of edited and unedited documentary footage selected from Department of Defense, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force collections previously housed at the Defense Visual Information Center. The footage includes historical events, training exercises, and military combat in Vietnam, Grenada, Somalia, and Lebanon as well as other military events around the world. Also included are scenes of military aircraft, experimental aircraft, weapons systems, vehicles, naval ships, and research and development activities. Peacetime activities include coverage of humanitarian efforts. The series title is incorrect; the films cover the time period WWI through the mid-1980s.
• World War I Land and Sea Combat Footage, 1916-1918 — President Wilson, General Pershing, French Marshal Foch, and General Joffre; devastation on the Western Front; trench warfare; peasants; submarine hunting; cavalry; tanks; the grave marker for the first American soldiers who died on French soil, 1919.
• Byrd Antarctic Expedition — first flight over the South Pole; members of the Byrd party dig out and reassemble the Ford Tri-motor airplane named Floyd Bennett; feeding porpoises; loading gear into plane; the plane takes off; flying over a frozen wasteland; interior shots of Byrd seated in the plane, ca. 1929.
• USS Macon (ZRS-5) Historical Footage — NFDA, 1933.
• U.S. Navy’s Outstanding Combat Photography of World War II — mostly attacks by Japanese aircraft on U.S. carriers; mishaps during carrier landings, 1945.
• Naval Ordnance Report: Naval Mines — a training film discusses the history and functions of common naval mines, 1954.
• Introduction to TALOS — Navy training film about the tactical capabilities, operation, and nomenclature of the TALOS missile system, 1958.
• Project Bullseye — training film describes the key components of the Bullseye direction finding capability used by Navy aircraft; the Wollenweber antenna system; the four phases of Bullseye’s operation, 1966.
• The First Infantry Division in Vietnam — chronicles the major Vietnam battle actions of the Division known as the Big Red One; civic action projects, 1971.
• To Help Man Fly: Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC) 25th Anniversary, 1951-1976 — NFDA, 1976.

2. Moving Images Relating to John F. Kennedy’s Inauguration, 1960, [330-X] (1135970); approximately 30 titles. This series includes films of the inaugural, parade, and ceremonies for President Kennedy, 1961. NFDA.

3. Motion Picture Films, ca. 1961-1964, [330] (61239); seven titles.
• Berlin Duty — NFDA, ca. 1962.

4. Motion Picture Films Relating to Vietnam, 1965-1976, [330-A] (61247); 565 titles. This series consists of weekly film reports of the various activities of U.S. involvement in Vietnam. NFDA.

Remeber that there are over 5545 other films to investigate within this RG.
'Til next time.

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